Services > Interactive Group Program
Hand in Hand Interactive Group Program is conducted once per week at the center and facilitated by a Behavior Consultant and a Senior Behavior Interventionist. Each session is 2 hrs and the group ranges from 4 to 6 learners. The curriculum is planned around each learner's individual intervention plan.
Parents receive a program lesson plan at the end of each session and a skill evaluation at the end of each term.
Group activities include:
- Activities to meet individual goals
- Active games to develop peer interaction, language, gross motor, coordination, and balance skills
- Board games to develop peer interaction and language skills
- Concept games to develop language and pragmatic skills
- Activities to develop academic skills
- Activities to develop group learning and classroom readiness skills
Group 1: 4-5 years old
Group 2: 5-7 years old
Group 3: 8-12 years old
contact us for availability, schedule and fees, or register online.